
Register for John Mallee’s 1st annual Major League Hitting Clinics.


Date: November 23-24, 2019
Location: University of Illinois at Chicago
839 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Chicago, Ill. 60608



We are proud to present some of the top hitting minds in the game.


Some of the topics presented will include but will not be limited to:
•Using Biomechanical Data to Create Individualized- Hitting Plans
•Practical Applications of Individualized Hitting Plans
•Pitch Recognition and in the Box Vision Plan
•Practice Design
•No Limitations- Making Sense Out Of Hitting Twitter
•Slow motion video analysis 1000 frames a second
•Using Data and Technology to Coach Hitters
•Coaching Hitters In-Season vs. Off -season
•Bridging the Concepts of the Baseball Swing and the Softball Swing
The clinic format will be unique and is designed to be an interactive camp & limited to a select group of Vendors. Clinicians and Vendors will be available thru-out the clinic with designated times in-between session. The cages will be set up for instructor and vendor demos. There will also be a clinician question and answer 50 min session where all instructors will be available to answer your questions and demo their drills, etc.



John Mallee Clinics / Speaking Engagements

Major League Batting’s Story

clinics imageJohn started the company Major League Batting with a mission to building confidence and self-esteem through hitting a baseball. Major League Batting educates, trains and motivates coaches, parents or players to forge a path to hitting success.

It began with the development and national campaign associated with the DVD Series, “6 Absolutes of a Professional Hitter” and “Teaching Hitting Drills”. Today, MLB has partnerships with leagues, organizations and academies all around the country providing guidance through clinics, video analysis and coaches training/certification.

If you would like to have John Mallee host a hitting clinic or if you would like to book him as a speaker, please contact us at: [email protected]